Thursday, December 27, 2007

Greg Reviews an Oatmeal Stout

OK, I'm sure you're still laughing your ass off at Clubby's silliness, but now it's time for my review, so wipe those tears of laughter away, and get ready for Wagner Valley's Oatmeal Stout.
OK, the beer poured a black color with a tan/brownish head. There was decent head retention, it lasted a few minutes. Aroma had a roasted smell, with a background of chocolate. The first sip had a bitter bite to it, but that soon mellowed out to a big roasted flavor, with hints of chocolate and coffee. Body was medium to heavy, with a nice mouthfeel. It wasn't as smooth as an oatmeal stout should be, but it wasn't bad either.
Overall, it's a good beer. It's nice to drink at 10 o'clock at night when you are relaxing. I would definitely have another. I can't think of anything else to write, this beer neither blew me away, or totally sucked. So I guess in the end it's a winner, and til I have more, this is the best oatmeal stout ever. And the Dunkel isn't stinking so much anymore. Either that or I am so completely used to the smell by now I've dulled my senses.

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