Thursday, December 27, 2007

Clubby Reviews Affligem Noel

Ok, so in my last blog I lied a little bit. Apparently the Dunkel we made, so far, smells like old eggs in the purse of a dirty prostitute. But, that's to be expected, it is a lager... the review we go!
With the gentle pour of a clumsy giant, the head rose to about 4 fingers and lasted, leaving a thick lace toward the bottom of my glass. The color was a darkish caramel a tad darker than Tyra Banks but not quite Oprah (I'm almost black so I'm allowed to say that). The smell was a light sweet caramel and spice. As I tasted it I thought of that song "I would do anything for love anything you've been dreaming of but I just won't do that" not that the beer reminded me of it, I just really like Meatloaf. But also as I tasted it I thought sweeeet, it is pretty darn sweet for my tastes but great for a "Christmas Ale" I guess. The sweetness went really well with the spiciness it has. Also, because when I swallowed it, gave it a second to go down, I felt the slight burn from the 9.0 ABV. Usually, I'm not big on the overly-carbonated dark ales, but, this was overly carbonated and good! I felt the in between medium/heavy body was perfect for the spiciness and slight warmth in the throat. So yes, this will be a winter drink of choice for me. Although, the spiciness could have been brought down a tad, all the components balanced out well. Wow, I shouldn't have had the whole 1 pint 9.4 oz. bottle!! Sleepy time for Clubby-Poo!

1 comment:

CarpetGuy said...

Hey guys, this is David, CarpetGuy, I love your site and have added it to my Blogroll. I also put a backlink to your site here

Keep up the good work. Oh, sure wish I had one of these brews!